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Edward's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
33 votes

What modern innovations have been/are being made for the piano?

23 votes

What's special about cello strings?

22 votes

Vocal range of a crowd

22 votes

Do all periodic or "natural" sounds contain major chords?

22 votes

Do I need 88 keys to produce film soundtracks?

20 votes

What is the "Jazz Bass Mid Scoop"?

19 votes

How do I distinguish between chords going 'up' and chords going 'down' when writing a harmony?

17 votes

How not to sound midi without real instrument?

16 votes

Confusion about overtones and a slow-motion video of a plucked string

15 votes

How should I approach getting used to a wonky syncopation?

14 votes

How can a snare's activation be made quieter?

13 votes

Is it possible to perform a chromatic glissando on harp?

12 votes

What is heard when a tuning fork is struck?

12 votes

Pan flute using straws: all notes measurements?

12 votes

Does non-calibrated have a special meaning for guitar strings?

12 votes

Why isn't there a unique double-flat symbol?

12 votes

How precise should I expect to be with metronome?

11 votes

digital piano has plastic clunking sound

11 votes

What is the definition of 909/808/707/etc. percussion?

11 votes

What can a modern DAW do with analog sounds?

11 votes

Lots of pick movement

11 votes

How dry does a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording?

10 votes

How do room layouts affect tuning?

10 votes

Metronome markings and 3/8 time signature. How should I interpret the metronome markings if the time signature is 3/8?

9 votes

Double bass harmonics are slightly flat?

9 votes

Confusion on modes

9 votes

Equation to calculate the expected frequency of a natural harmonic at any location on the fretboard

8 votes

Confused about the natural symbol (♮) and the omnipresence of the C major scale in music theory

8 votes

when you only sing in F#

8 votes

Is it bad to make a drums double stroke roll using the rebound?

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