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dorien's user avatar
dorien's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
19 votes

What is the difference between equivalent Flat and Sharp keys as far as musical notation? Are there any reasons to prefer one over the other?

11 votes

My guitar pupil is a pregnant woman. Should she keep playing classical guitar?

7 votes

Locating a key on the keyboard

6 votes

Standard notation for an octave

5 votes

Detect piano notes and chords

4 votes

How do I create a drum beat?

3 votes

Advice on writing a midi file from almost complete sheet music

3 votes

Are low key harmonicas harder to bend?

3 votes

Looking for a high level Music Programming language

3 votes

Where does the tradition of bowing after a performance come from?

2 votes

Chord with no match to the tones in the song

2 votes

Why are the alto saxophone and cello allegedly so similar to the human voice?

2 votes

How do I indentify this (Rach)? score

2 votes

Lip moving on lip plate while playing

2 votes

Why don't we measure the size of intervals starting from zero?

2 votes

What do these numbers at the start of the music score mean

1 vote

Teaching young kids (7-9) basic piano and music fundemetals.

1 vote

Storing a flute

1 vote

How does the flute range extend with experience?

0 votes

Guitar intonation issue - still sharp but screw as far as it'll go

0 votes

Best method to learn to play barre chords?

0 votes

How often should I replace the strings on my guitar?

0 votes

How do you build guitar 'muscle memory' faster?

0 votes

Transposing Second Waltz (Shostakovich) for Bb clarinet?

0 votes

What are the true frequencies of the piano keys?

0 votes

What do I do when my long fingernails for classical guitar interfere with playing piano?

0 votes

What musical tropes make sci-fi music recognizable?

-1 votes

Finding the Shadaj (tonic) in Hindustani Sangeet (North Indian Classical Music)