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Neil Meyer's user avatar
Neil Meyer
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
-5 votes

Minor key and its chords

1 vote

What's the difference between "con brio" and "con fuoco"?

3 votes

How to know key of a melody

1 vote

When would Bach start an ornament- just before the beat, or right on it?

0 votes

Parallel Fifths in Pachelbel's Canon in D?

2 votes

Are the diminished chords not that common in modern popular music?

0 votes

What do the numbers 2 & 3 mean (duplet/tuplet/finger indication?) in this first bar of a song?

-1 votes

Reasoning for redundant "natural" (but not courtesy accidental)

1 vote

I can learn guitar fast, but I haven't got the nerve to sit and practice for hours, how to practice for long sessions?

1 vote

How to tell major, minor, augmented, dominant and diminished chords apart?

4 votes

Why is Debussy's Clair de Lune not considered a nocturne?

1 vote

Mozart scale run with #5 and #1?

4 votes

Should I learn to play from memory in an orchestra

1 vote

How to rewrite this rhythm from common time to 12/8 time?

2 votes

What is the chord containing C, D, F#?

1 vote

How to modulate very smoothly and stealthily from major to minor?

9 votes

Why is there both a sharp and a natural sign in parentheses before this note?

5 votes

How to read and write music scores if I am a blind musician?

6 votes

Difference between grouping 16th note

0 votes

Doubling the third of a root position major chord in four-part harmony

3 votes

4/4 corresponds to 12/8 but 4/4 =/= 12/8

0 votes

In what situations can a seventh be substituted for a triad?

1 vote

What note is this on the piano?

4 votes

Do 4-part harmony rules also apply to piano arrangements?

1 vote

Is music theory universal?

1 vote

Tips on buying an electric guitar for a beginner

1 vote

What does IV/IV signify in a chord progression?

1 vote

Example of Classical Composer having two albums/works of two different periods

9 votes

What are some of the tips for musicians starting out as teachers?

1 vote

Are there any tuning differences between the C# Major Scale and Db Major Scale?

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