I'm writing a score with Lilypond to simplify a complex score.
It is composed of a singe melodic line but has some mixed choir parts.
I wrote the lilypond code, but it shows a blank line #5-8 checked red.
How can I remove the blank line?
Also, I would like to remove two 6/8 marks in the #5.
Thanks in advance.
I don't know why the inserted image is not displayed. :-(
\version "2.24.3"
\layout {
indent = 0
% ragged-right = ##t
\relative c' {
\key g \major
\time 6/8
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
b'8 b b d4. |
b8 a g e4. |
d8 d16 d d d c'8 b a |
g4.~ g4 r8 |\break
\new Staff {
\key g \major
r4. a8 b c |
r4. b16 b c8 d |
cis4. e4 cis8 |
d4.~ d4 r8 |\break
\addlyrics {
ei- us- mod tem- por in- ci- di- dunt ut labore
\new Staff {
\clef bass
\key g \major
fis,,4 g8 a4. |
g8 g a b4. |
a8 a a cis4. |
d4.~ d4 r8 |\break
\addlyrics {
ei- us- mod tem- por in- ci- di- dunt ut lab- ore
d'4 d8 g4. |
g8 fis e d4. |
d8 d d16 d g8 b g |
a4.~ a4 r8 | \break
\bar "|."
\addlyrics {
Lo- rem ip- sum dolor sit amet, con- sec- tetur ad- i- pis- cing elit, sed do
et dolore magna al- iqua. Ut enim ad min- im ven-iam, quis no- strud exer- ci- ta- tion