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Questions tagged [lilypond]

For questions about usage of LilyPond, the free music engraving program. Code formatting on this site is not intended for LilyPond; workarounds can be found on meta. Questions may also necessitate the notation and/or engraving tags.

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How should I handle a part with instrument changes in LilyPond?

I have a piece with six parts — recorders AATTBGb, except that the second alto part doubles soprano. At several points, the Alto Recorder 2 player switches to Soprano Recorder and back. The Alto parts ...
Thom Smith's user avatar
2 votes
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Forcing volta brackets to be closed (v2.24.3)

This is actually a repeat of a 20 year old question that I never found an answer to: I'm trying to get something like this: |--------------||--------------||-------------- |: Notes1 | ...
Doug Wegscheid's user avatar
6 votes
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Trill with “no turn” in Lilypond

I'm looking for the best way to add a “no turn” annotation to a trill. It should be displayed above or below the trill extender line, right-aligned to the end of the extender line.
Thom Smith's user avatar
5 votes
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LilyPond: stretch space between piano staves to make room for kneed beam

Consider the following LilyPond fragment: \version "2.24.3" \language "italiano" global = { \key reb \major \time 9/8 } cu = { \change Staff = "right" } cd = { \...
facetus's user avatar
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To prepend / precede a text property with a hash mark, or not to prepend / precede a text property with a hash mark. That is the question

Continuing my LilyPond studying, I was learning about changing (pre-staff) instrument names when I found this (old) email which uses the following syntax: \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 1&...
jaimet's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why name the staves in LilyPond's "published" "Solo piano" template?

As part of learning Lilypond, I am trying to understand LilyPond's "published" "Solo piano" template. Lines 20-21 are: \new Staff = "upper" \upper \new Staff = "...
jaimet's user avatar
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4 votes
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Tweaking space between systems with lilypond-book

I'm including a short except in a LaTeX document using lilypond-book, but you can see how bad the vertical spacing is. How do I fix this? As a background, lilypond-book is a preprocessor for latex, ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Notating a barre with vertical bracket in lilypond

In certain books I found this version of notation for barre chords. It seems there are no built in ways to do it in lilypond. Size of the bracket is important because it signifies how many strings the ...
Kljunas2's user avatar
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Lilypond: What's the right way to represent a song with verses, a chorus, melismata, and ties?

Short question: What's the best way to represent a simple verse-chorus song with some obnoxious syllable-extension lines? Long explanation: I'm trying to use Lilypond to engrave an existing song with ...
Antal Spector-Zabusky's user avatar
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Lilypond: "Wrong type to apply: #<Score>"

I don't know what's going wrong with this snippet: \version "2.24" multiDynScoresDoc = #(define-void-function (filename title staves) (string? string? list?) (toplevel-book-handler #{ ...
ademilsonfp's user avatar
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How to replace the thumb fingering glyph

I am writing out music for the double bass, and we generally use a different glyph for a thumb fingering than what is available in lilypond. I recognize the one that's used as the default but it's ...
Mark T.'s user avatar
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LilyPond: How to have automatic accidentals (flat-sharp-natural) without placing “!’ or “?” every time

Since the upgrade of the program, we need to always add “!’ or “?” when the accidental change in the song. We didn’t do that before, only occasionally, because back then the program would add ...
Sangit's user avatar
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LilyPond: how do I visualize Bezier control points?

More often than not, the LilyPond score's final touch requires meticulous slur adjustment. It would be nice to see the control points while modifying the shape. I noticed a special engraver to ...
facetus's user avatar
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Control visibility of bowings in lilypond

I made my own edition of a piece and I would like to generate 2 PDFs from it, one including my \upbow and \downbow markings, and one with no bowing indications. I have read this section: https://...
Mark T.'s user avatar
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LilyPond: can sustain pedal automatically avoid fingering?

Here is the original engraving I am trying to reproduce Here is my LilyPond code \version "2.24.3" \language "italiano" cu = { \change Staff = "right" } cd = { \change ...
facetus's user avatar
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Lilypond - Lyrics In Context With Multiple Verses

In the manual, at, it describes For different or more complex orderings, the best ...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to reference and transpose each staff separately for midi output only in lilypond?

I wanted to create a setup, where I can generate a full score as well as each part and separate registers using lilypond. For the most part, my setup works fine, however I have some issues transposing ...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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Erhu glissando symbols in LilyPond

I have some problems with LilyPond. In Chinese music, the symbols below are often used for glissandos: In normal staff notation, these should look like the picture below: Is it possible to use ...
嚴皓煒's user avatar
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Transposing French horn parts (BC + TC) in lilypond

I'm looking at a German 1876 horn part that's written "in Es" like this: If I were to transpose that into concert-pitch, I think: horn bass clef transposes up (c sounds like ees), and horn ...
Stewart's user avatar
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LilyPond: how to correctly stack rests and tuplet brackets for different voices?

Here is the original fragment I am trying to engrave: Here is my naive approach: \version "2.24.3" \language "italiano" \new Staff << \relative do' { \key reb \...
facetus's user avatar
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Lilypond scaling a score with many parts to avoid over-full pages

I'm trying to typeset a larger piece than I normally do. It has 44 instruments, which I've condensed into 35 staves using a lot of \partCombine. I've tried to put this onto A3 paper: $(set-default-...
Stewart's user avatar
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LilyPond: Clair de Lune challenge

Clair de Lune is strange. Its poetry extends impressionism not only to the audial sensation but also to the visual perception of engraving. Wait... didn't impressionism start from the visual? Well, ...
facetus's user avatar
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How to get bar numbers to render below lyrics in Lilypond?

I'm using LilyPond and trying to get bar numbers to render on every measure, but when I have lyrics above the staff (which is pretty common in this style of music, which usually uses one staff line ...
duck's user avatar
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LilyPond: tuplet bars don't seem to match time used

Please take a look at these three snippets, from a piece in 4/4 time. LilyPond 2.24.3 via Frescobaldi in MacOS. e8 (b e4~ \tuplet 5/8{ e32 d cis d e} d8\noBeam) r8 \acciaccatura{fis8} fis'2~ fis16 ...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar
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How do I change all fonts to sans-serif in Lilypond?

I'm sure this information is available somewhere, but all I can find is how to change the font for specific parts, not the entire document. Can you help me?
Niklas's user avatar
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Why are lyrics clumped at the bottom of the score?

I'm using the following bit of code to add lyrics to only the last 2 notes of a song. This section of code is used for all of the instruments in my score. d4-> 4-> 4-> r4 << {\...
nat's user avatar
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Place "Opus" instead of Instrument Name?

I'm trying to place the opus to the left of a Staff (which is normally the place of the instrument name), like this: Is there a proper way to place opus in replacement of instrumentName? Something ...
Transmixer's user avatar
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Deleteing blank staffs in Lilypond score

I'm writing a score with Lilypond to simplify a complex score. It is composed of a singe melodic line but has some mixed choir parts. I wrote the lilypond code, but it shows a blank line #5-8 checked ...
P.-S. Park's user avatar
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LilyPond – mark chords style

How can I get LilyPond to have colored chords frames in a handwritten style? I think this is a known style but I have not found any more info about it. Very cool, very jazzy!
semiono's user avatar
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Beam structures in nested triplets

I'm trying to create a beat of nested tuplets to look like this: My attempt to reproduce that looks like this: \version "2.24.3" ...
Stewart's user avatar
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How do I center-align certain elements in an instrument name and right-align others?

In a score, I would like to have my instrument names center aligned and the part numbers right-aligned, so that they are flush against the bracket. How would I do this? (Preferably without using the \...
nat's user avatar
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Lilypond: manually specify fret numbers in a TabStaff?

I'm writing down a score for a transcription of a guitar piece, and figured I could also include tabs for it. Unfortunately, lilypond seems to generate the fingerings on its own and they're very ...
Julien Belmon's user avatar
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Automatic fingering under notes

I have the notes colored based on their string, and now I'm trying to get only the fretLabels from the TabStaff under each note, instead of having the whole tablature. But so far I could only find ...
skualos's user avatar
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FiguredBass with parentheses

I've been struggling with doing some \markups inside \figuremode because I would like to define some commands or functions to include all the boilerplate code inside. For example, trying to put ...
Mike Music's user avatar
5 votes
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LilyPond - how to force C#m7(b5) instead of C#ø

I want my score to show C#m7(b5) instead of C#ø. As per Lilypond- Half diminished Seventh symbol, I've created the following exception: chExceptions = { <c ees ges b>1-\markup {"m7(" ...
Oren Pinsky's user avatar
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Lilypond - Combining expressions without duplicated noteheads

I'm setting a piece and want to have the parts all printed out separately but also a main score with all the parts for the conductor. Here is my try for the combined score: \version "2.24.3" ...
Daniel Bauer's user avatar
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LilyPond - Put ALL noteheads to the left of stems, regardless of stem direction

I handwrote this score a while ago I'm trying to transcribe. You can see that all the noteheads are to the left of the stems, regardless of which way the stem is pointing. Lots of old handwritten ...
DWW256's user avatar
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I need write a lead sheet with repeats, different lyrics for each repeat, the chorus and chords

I have this snipped code that resembles the work that I need to make: \version "2.22.0" musicA = \relative c' { \repeat volta 2 { a1 b2 c2 d4 e f g } \alternative { {...
Luis Salazar's user avatar
6 votes
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Fitting music in a single, long system for scrolling in Lilypond

Suppose I have a piece of music in Lilypond (three staves per system) and I want to lay it out so that all the piece fits into a single, continuous system of arbitrary length, with no breaks. How ...
Big_Al_91's user avatar
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How to show the string tunings on a tab in Lilypond?

I am setting a guitar piece in Lilypond. The piece requires to use a pitch shifter in certain places. Using \set Staff.stringTunings anywhere in the notes leads to a correct tab for pitch-shifted ...
Martin's user avatar
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Lilypond: multiple glyphs in front of a note

I can use a markup to put several glyphs under and over a note with _\markup ^markup but I do not know how to place glyphs in front of a note. Something similar to Natural+flat accidental in front of ...
scriptfoo's user avatar
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How to reduce the width of a staff containing only a rest in LilyPond

Consider this example : { #(set-global-staff-size 25) %\tempo Allegro \time 4/4 a'4 b' c'' d'' R1 a'4 b' c'' d'' R1 a'4 b' c'' d'' R1 a'4 b' c'' d'' R1 a'4 b' c'' d'' } Is there a way to impose a ...
Karlo's user avatar
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Limiting barline length on one-line staff?

In the below example, is there any way to prevent the barline from sticking out over the 1 line staff? \version "2.24.2" \new PianoStaff { << \new Staff \with { ...
nat's user avatar
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How to add left/right hand fingering bracket to specific note group

How can I replicate this LH left hand fingering annotation with Lilypond? The bracket around the lower three notes is the troublesome part. I've tried several approaches to no avail. The original, ...
lothloren's user avatar
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Can Lilypond typeset French beaming?

Consider following example: { g'16 d'' e'' d'' } Is there a way to obtain the so-called French beaming? Here, vertical stems are not shown in between the beams (examples from here).
Karlo's user avatar
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How to typeset an excerpt in Lilypond (longer phrase slur and text)?

I want to typeset following "excerpt" from a longer melody: I currently have { \time C (c''8 d'' e'' d'' c'' b' a' c''_" etc.") } How could I modify it to obtain the following? ...
Karlo's user avatar
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Linking quaver and semiquaver beams over a rest with LilyPond

I am transcribing the Sentimental Tango for four hands by Vasha Azarashvili. And I'd like to obtain this: But my code (in Italian, but surely you get the point) \language "italiano" <...
Juan Chô's user avatar
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Create a custom articulation in LilyPond

Could someone provide me with a minimal example of a new, custom articulation in LilyPond? Let's say, for the sake of simplicity, that we use glyph "a" as the articulation, and let's call it ...
Kresimir's user avatar
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Using a custom type 1 font no longer working

I can no longer get lilypond to typeset using my custom Sabon font. I have *.pfb files I bought some years ago and have them installed in /path-to-home-directory/.fonts The code I have below worked ...
Alan Vlach's user avatar
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LilyPond: how to avoid staccato nullifying Fingering.add-stem-support?

Consider the following code: \version "2.24.2" \language "italiano" \relative do'' { \time 3/4 << { re4 sol-2 sol }\\ { ...
facetus's user avatar
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