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Lilypond: Guitar stringNumber colliding with glissando

I'd like to tweak (raise) the fingeringNumber '2' in measure 1 just a bit to avoid collision with the glissando. I know how to lower the glissando endpoint, but that's not what I'm after. Can somebody ...
HarryH's user avatar
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Combine curved paths with fingerings

I want to mark notes with fingerings where the finger number has a bow below or above. First, I am creating the bows: upper-bow = #'( (M 0 0) (C 0.6 0.2 1.4 0.2 2 0) ) lower-bow = #'( (M 2 0) ...
marktani's user avatar
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5 votes
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line for fingersettings in lilypond

I have a question if the following possible in lilypond. The lines above the bar. I have not found how I can do that.
Bart Vanherck's user avatar
4 votes
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LilyPond: modifying woodwind diagrams

Regarding woodwind diagram in LilyPond such as: \markup { \center-column { \override #'(size . 0.7) { \woodwind-diagram #'flute #'((cc . (oneF two three four five six)) (...
Tommy_tsa's user avatar
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Same fingering position for fingering notation and \finger command in LilyPond?

I have found that fingering notation and \finger command in LilyPond place fingering differently. How to make finger command behave the same way as ^n, _n, -n notations? Here is a MWE: \version "...
facetus's user avatar
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6 votes
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Fingerings for 2 voices on the same staff in the same direction in LilyPond

I am having a hard time finding a way to get the fingering markings for two voices in the left hand, onto the same side of a single staff in LilyPond, like in the picture below: My aim is: to get ...
Peter's user avatar
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Lilypond finger placement brackets

In music sheets intended for beginner harpists it's very common that the fingering includes not only the numbers but also brackets that indicate which fingers are positioned at the same time, ...
Bani's user avatar
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