\version "2.19.52"
variable = {
\once \override TextSpanner.style = #'line
\once \override TextSpanner.to-barline = ##f
\once \override TextSpanner.bound-details =
(text . ,#{ \markup { \draw-line #'( 0 . -.5) } #})
(Y . 0)
(padding . 0.25)
(attach-dir . -3)
(text . ,#{ \markup { \draw-line #'( 0 . -.5) } #})
(Y . 0)
(padding . 0.25)
(attach-dir . 3)
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\time 3/4
\partial 4
\override Fingering.staff-padding = #'()
\once \override TextSpanner.rotation = #'(4 1.9 0)
a'8_3\startTextSpan b_2 \variable \once \override TextSpanner.rotation = #'(-4.5 -4.5 0)
c4-1\stopTextSpan\startTextSpan b-2 a_3 \variable \once \override TextSpanner.rotation = #'(3 -0.2 0)
g_4\stopTextSpan\startTextSpan a_3 b-2 \variable \once \override TextSpanner.rotation = #'(-7 -2.5 0)
c-1\stopTextSpan\startTextSpan g_2 f_3
It's a bit hacky, but it gets the job done.
As always, manual fiddling required to get it the way you want to look. ;)