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Entering Chords With Frescobaldi [duplicate]

how do we insert chords over a melody with Frecobaldi/Lilypond?
Alexandre Magno S. Ferreira's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Lilypond: barre marker for single note values

This question deals with barre chord notation for guitar using the TextSpanner command in Lilypond. This approach is also described in the Lilypond documentation. However, this approach only works if ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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Installing lilypond on Big Sur

Has anyone here installed lilypond on Big Sur (Mac)? The .dmg file and brew install --cask lilypond both informed me that the distributed version of lilypond only work with macOS versions up to Mojave....
duhaime's user avatar
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Is there a way of actually opening hairpins in LilyPond?

I need this for an Ossia staff that only appears for a single bar, like this: The real hairpin starts before that bar (like the 2nd one), but spanning the hairpin where the lower one starts doesn't ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I omit breaks and page breaks in LilyPond?

I'm creating score and parts from a single file with various \book blocks, and my instrument parts have some \break and \pageBreak commands, but I want my score to omit those breaks. I thought that ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a better way of working on a score in real-time collaboration?

I've struggled with this topic for a long time since I edit scores with some friends at the same time, and came with some workarounds, but none of them seems that efficient for the workflow. I mainly ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
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How can I set LilyPond's "Point and Click" from Skim to VSCode?

I'm working on on MacOS High Sierra, and I'm trying to use Point and Click so that Skim (PDF viewer) redirects to a specific file/line/column/character/letter/whatever on VSCode. I've found a couple ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to use LilyPond with Visual Studio Code?

Some time ago I found a git repository with a Lilypond's syntax extension for VSCode. I looked it up within VSCode's extension finder, and it was there as well. And this extension is really useful, ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
5 votes
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How to disable or limit compression of over-full pages in Lilypond?

Sometimes lilypond tries to use less pages for more music, which is not always wanted. This can be easily fixed by manually adding \pageBreak , but sometimes an automatic solution is needed. When ...
Rualark's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to make position/barre markers in lilypond?

I've recently started experimenting with LilyPond (Version 2.18.2 in case it matters). I've been fairly successful in creating basic scores, but I cannot figure how to properly make position/barre ...
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2 answers

Voices doubling a dotted note in Lilypond

How do you get two voices to double the same dotted note in LilyPond? Goal Let's say I'm trying to reproduce the simple four-voice example below, where tenor and bass double the G. Attempt #1 \...
Gooseberry's user avatar
1 vote
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Lilypond voice difficulty analysis

I have a lot of lilypond files for different instruments. To get a selection for players depending on their playing skills, I'm looking for a an algorithm that analyzes a lilypond file voice by ...
WeSee's user avatar
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4 answers

Is Lilypond actively developed? Will the format become obsolete?

Developmental state of LilyPond The official homepage has a notice that reads "Since no developer currently is listed for commercial development, your best bet is asking on the developer list". And ...
Violapterin's user avatar
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Unable to switch text fonts in LilyPond

I've followed all the instructions to set custom fonts in LilyPond and nothing seems to be working. I was originally attempting to set IM Fell English Pro as the document font, but I've set everything ...
John Optegrove's user avatar
9 votes
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Cross-staff chord in score with multiple voices in Lilypond

Assume I need to reproduce the following piano music. Notice the middle "voice" spans both staves. How would I accomplish this using Lilypond? (I am aware of a hack involving adjusting the stem ...
Gooseberry's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a single command for vertical padding in LilyPond \markup?

The documentation for \markup alignment lists two essentially different padding commands: \pad-around or \pad-markup, which adds the same amount of space all around the element, and \pad-x, which adds ...
Micah's user avatar
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How do I parameterize text in a re-used section of Lilypond notes?

Here is a short snippet of Lilypond that I think expresses the intent of what I want to do. verseNotes = \relative c' { d^\markup { \verseText } d d d16 d d8 a r4 | cis8 cis cis cis16 cis ...
jbm's user avatar
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How can I pick LilyPond style choices at compile time?

I have LilyPond lead sheets for which I would like to be able to choose some display tweaks at compile time, primarily in order to tailor the sheet for the preferred transposition (e.g. for B-flat ...
David Tresner-Kirsch's user avatar