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Questions tagged [lilypond]

For questions about usage of LilyPond, the free music engraving program. Code formatting on this site is not intended for LilyPond; workarounds can be found on meta. Questions may also necessitate the notation and/or engraving tags.

28 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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LilyPond - "Table of Contents" TOC in different languages

I am working on a music-book using LilyPond with different languages (here English and German). I created a minimal working example (MWE) referring to a snippet that can be found here in the LilyPond ...
nath's user avatar
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Stop Lilypond from generating multiple files

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask, but it seems like a lot of people are using Lilypond here. Every time I compile a .ly file using lilypond for Windows10 it generates too many files. ...
N Iv's user avatar
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Aligning staves across pages in Lilypond

I'm looking for a way to align staves in Lilypond such that the bars are at the same height on different pages. A somewhat contrived example to show the effect: \version "2.24.0" \paper { ...
heiner's user avatar
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Creating a wider fermata

In LilyPond, how can I create a wide fermata that spans over several notes? This is from Franz Schubert's Winterreise, No. 9 "Irrlicht", measure 39.
Atriplex's user avatar
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LilyPond - Adding dotted lines to "Table of Contents" TOC

I posted a question on here about two different coding techniques on how to add a table of contents to a LilyPond Book. I am kind of stuck with the solution in the first example, since it gives me the ...
nath's user avatar
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Place "Opus" instead of Instrument Name?

I'm trying to place the opus to the left of a Staff (which is normally the place of the instrument name), like this: Is there a proper way to place opus in replacement of instrumentName? Something ...
Transmixer's user avatar
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LilyPond: Consistent stem/beam position (not length)

In the style of scottish snare drumming I am trying to notate, the ideal is for all stems and beams to end at the same height. Unlike concert snare, where all notes are on the line (so this happens ...
user2676858's user avatar
2 votes
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Lilypond - Combining expressions without duplicated noteheads

I'm setting a piece and want to have the parts all printed out separately but also a main score with all the parts for the conductor. Here is my try for the combined score: \version "2.24.3" ...
Daniel Bauer's user avatar
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LilyPond: Analysis Brackets over 1 note or in conjunction with other functions

IIUC, the way you notate analysis brackets in LilyPond is a\startGroup b\stopGroup. For my use-case, this is inconvenient in a couple ways. Sometimes I need a bracket on just one note. a\startGroup\...
user2676858's user avatar
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How to create a custom markup for chord names in lilypond

I am trying to display chord names left from the chord diagrams in lilypond. Based on answers in this question I was able to offset the positions of the diagrams and respective chord names, but the ...
JAV's user avatar
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Lilypond : Multi bar, multi repeat in one measure

Following Lilypond: Single bar, multiple repeat, I want this for a multi measure repeat. I'm converted (./.) to (.//.) with percperc = \markup\concat{ \raise #0.5 \musicglyph #"" ...
Fortissimo's user avatar
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Generate different scores from a template

I am a brand new lilypond user and I am struggling to understand what the best structure for my project might be. Here a simplified example of it I have a file that I was planning to use as a ...
ddgg's user avatar
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Tremoli in Lilypond look destroyed

My tremoli between notes are looking so destroyed!: I have added before each repeat: \ftbt \override = #3 where \ftbt is: ftbt = \once \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.4 Any help is ...
Student's user avatar
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Lilypond: Different vertical space

Sometimes (not every time) when a song (because of the lyrics under the score) takes two pages Lilypond adds an extra space between the lines. How to avoid it? First image regular space: Second image ...
Mahanidhi's user avatar
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align markup to bottom of page

I have some music where I put the stanzas below: \version "2.20.0" #(set! paper-alist (cons '("size8" . (cons (* 8 cm) (* 8 cm))) paper-alist)) \paper { #(set-paper-size "...
Kjara's user avatar
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align end of melisma extender line with last melisma note

This is a follow-up question to this answer. I have a melisma defined like so \relative { c'4. e8 g4 c a c8 a g2 } \addlyrics { Al -- le Vö -- gel sind schon __ _ da, } which gives me this output:...
Kjara's user avatar
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LilyPond - How do I create a ChordName context that can stack or show multiple ChordNames simultaneously?

Suppose I have one melody line that is repeated (e.g., singing multiple verses), but the chords should be different the second and third times through. I want these to be defined in their own ...
Neal's user avatar
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Lilypond - Slur arrow-heads changable between left and right side

I found this code for slur-arrows in this question and adapted this answer to make it look nicer. \version "2.22.0" slurArrow = \once \override Slur.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((...
nath's user avatar
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How can I set LilyPond's "Point and Click" from Skim to VSCode?

I'm working on on MacOS High Sierra, and I'm trying to use Point and Click so that Skim (PDF viewer) redirects to a specific file/line/column/character/letter/whatever on VSCode. I've found a couple ...
Kai Vinter's user avatar
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Notating a barre with vertical bracket in lilypond

In certain books I found this version of notation for barre chords. It seems there are no built in ways to do it in lilypond. Size of the bracket is important because it signifies how many strings the ...
Kljunas2's user avatar
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Lilypond: What's the right way to represent a song with verses, a chorus, melismata, and ties?

Short question: What's the best way to represent a simple verse-chorus song with some obnoxious syllable-extension lines? Long explanation: I'm trying to use Lilypond to engrave an existing song with ...
Antal Spector-Zabusky's user avatar
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Lilypond - Lyrics In Context With Multiple Verses

In the manual, at, it describes For different or more complex orderings, the best ...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Using a custom type 1 font no longer working

I can no longer get lilypond to typeset using my custom Sabon font. I have *.pfb files I bought some years ago and have them installed in /path-to-home-directory/.fonts The code I have below worked ...
Alan Vlach's user avatar
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Slur shape change

Using LilyPond, I am re-typesetting a score which uses an unusual symbol. Essentially, it is a slur between two adjacent notes, but the slur is mirror-imaged around its longest dimension. ...
Charles Nix's user avatar
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outsource inside-lyrics markup as custom command

I have some music with lyrics. Inside the lyrics is a markup: \relative { e'4 e d f g a } \addlyrics { ha -- cky me -- lis -- ma \once \override LyricText.extra-offset = #'(-0.11 . 0) \markup ...
Kjara's user avatar
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LilyPond: melody guideline over a page break produces overlapping staves

LilyPond produces strange, overlapping staves if a VoiceFollower crosses a page break. Consider the following code: \version "2.24.3" \language "italiano" \paper { #(set-paper-...
facetus's user avatar
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Disable double-bar separators in Lilypond

I am exporting voices from a score I wrote in Lilypond. In the voices there are these double bars, which separate the lines from each other. How can I disable these double-bars?
Student's user avatar
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Page coordinates of a measure in LilyPond

(related to this question) In LilyPond, is there any way to know the "coordinates" (i.e. position relative to the top left corner of the page) that a given measure (start/end) will have in ...
Kikolo's user avatar
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