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Lilypond: What's the right way to represent a song with verses, a chorus, melismata, and ties?

Short question: What's the best way to represent a simple verse-chorus song with some obnoxious syllable-extension lines? Long explanation: I'm trying to use Lilypond to engrave an existing song with ...
Antal Spector-Zabusky's user avatar
2 votes
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Erhu glissando symbols in LilyPond

I have some problems with LilyPond. In Chinese music, the symbols below are often used for glissandos: In normal staff notation, these should look like the picture below: Is it possible to use ...
嚴皓煒's user avatar
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How do I change all fonts to sans-serif in Lilypond?

I'm sure this information is available somewhere, but all I can find is how to change the font for specific parts, not the entire document. Can you help me?
Niklas's user avatar
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6 votes
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Fitting music in a single, long system for scrolling in Lilypond

Suppose I have a piece of music in Lilypond (three staves per system) and I want to lay it out so that all the piece fits into a single, continuous system of arbitrary length, with no breaks. How ...
Big_Al_91's user avatar
5 votes
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Lilypond tablature: how to force a note to a specific string+fret?

I have written a partition on Lilypond, with both Staff and tabStaff. I have customised the tablature with TabStaff.minimumFret = #7 and TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t and the generated tablature ...
daks's user avatar
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Scheme function for time signatures in LilyPond

I would like to notate a piece proportionally in LilyPond in which different time signatures are layered polymetrically. To do this, I want to place the time signatures above the staves, or more ...
kleinlosen's user avatar
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Entering Chords With Frescobaldi [duplicate]

how do we insert chords over a melody with Frecobaldi/Lilypond?
Alexandre Magno S. Ferreira's user avatar
3 votes
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Notation of odd note values without ties in LilyPond

I would like to ask a perhaps somewhat strange question here in the hope that someone can help me or pave the way. It's about a special kind of rhythmic notation that I have come up with and that I ...
kleinlosen's user avatar
4 votes
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How to make actually minimal page breaking in LilyPond

Consider the example below. It has 6 systems, and if I force LilyPond to put all 6 onto one page with min-systems-per-page = #6, it does, and it works well. The issue is that in real life, not every ...
yo''s user avatar
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How to write a right-hand bracket in Lilypond? [duplicate]

Somebody else already asked this for Musescore; but how can I produce a half-bracked as pictured in Lilypond?
Anon's user avatar
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Garbled Lilypond Output

I divided the notes of my score into 6 variables respectively called: \partOne, \partTwo, \partThree, \partFour, \partFive and \partSix. Each variable contains 20 measures of music. Then I call the ...
Niall's user avatar
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7 votes
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Contemporary Music note group Notation

I am writing an article about Stockhausen's Plus-Minus and I wanted to take this chance to write some snippets in LilyPond. Is there anyone willing to help me to transcribe this image? This is what I ...
ddgg's user avatar
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Lilypond lead sheet chord symbol notation

I am working with a collection of Lilypond files generated from the Weimer Jazz Database, and I've been trying to understand the rules for chord symbol notation. I've found a useful resource ...
C. Bunks's user avatar
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Can I create separate variables for duration and pitch in LilyPond and combine them?

How would I go about defining two separate variables where one can be mapped onto the other to produce some typical output? For instance: durations = { 4 8 8 2 } pitches = { e' g' f' a' } \score { ...
Neal's user avatar
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How to convert Sibelius score to MusiXTeX?

I want to create images of bars of notated music for use in video. Is there a way to write the score on Sibelius and then export this to some Python library in order to better create the images for ...
Alfie Stoppani's user avatar
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Lilypond: How to avoid overshooting melisma in last stanzas [incl. MWE and output]

I am trying to create some sheet music with lyrics. Some features of the music are: There are repeat sections in the music with alternative endings. The music starts on the chorus. There are more ...
Eirik B's user avatar
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Lilypond: transpose a sequence to modes with different intervallic structure

I am looking for a Lilypond function to transpose sequences of notes between modes that have different intervallic structure (e. g. from major to harmonic minor). My assumption is that the modes have ...
Andrei M's user avatar
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Lilypond tremolo and tuplets

I am inputting a score and struggling with repeated triplets. In the snippet A is visually what is in the manuscript B is my understanding of the musical intention C is as close as I can get in ...
wtw's user avatar
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line for fingersettings in lilypond

I have a question if the following possible in lilypond. The lines above the bar. I have not found how I can do that.
Bart Vanherck's user avatar
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Multiple voices in Lilypond: stem directions, beams, and merged noteheads

With quite a bit of trial and error I figured out a way to write the following bar in Lilypond: There are four voices, the top voice has upward stems, the two lower voices have downward stems, and ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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Lilypond: barre marker for single note values

This question deals with barre chord notation for guitar using the TextSpanner command in Lilypond. This approach is also described in the Lilypond documentation. However, this approach only works if ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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4 answers

Name and meaning of "mirrored" accent sign

I'm currently engraving a hand-written SATB piece in LilyPond and encountered some music notation I'm not really sure what to do with. It consists of four consecutive quarter notes with each note ...
gmw's user avatar
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Lilypond: B-note stem up

I want B note to have its stem going up most of the time so I don't need to use every time \stemUp and \stemNeutral commands. Is that possible? Thank you.
Sangit's user avatar
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How to move placement of key signature in Lilypond

In LilyPond (ver. 2.18.2), I'm notating some Ligeti (as a challenge, mostly). When writing out a snippet of his Étude En Suspens, mm. 18-21, there's a passage with different keys between the bottom ...
pr1268's user avatar
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How can I write a 5add9 chord in lilypond?

When I write g:5.9 or g:9^7.3 in a Notes block, the chord is correct. But when I write it in a ChordNames block, it produces G9 rather than G5add9. Is this a missing feature, is there a workaround, or ...
xeruf's user avatar
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LilyPond - Grace note too close to the barline

Lilypond places the grace notes very close to the barline (see image). Is it possible to create more room between the barline and the notes?
Sangit's user avatar
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LilyPond: words connected with hyphen

I started working on a songbook with English songs and came across lyrics where the words are connected with hyphens. What would be the best way to show these in LilyPond? In the example below there ...
Sangit's user avatar
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Align note with grace note in different stave in LilyPond

I am trying to make something like this in LilyPond, where the note in the upper stave is aligned with the grace notes in the lower staff: Any solution should also work after a time signature change, ...
MrBubbles's user avatar
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How to get Lilypond to produce a "repeat lyrics here" mark?

I'd like to get lilypond to produce the ://: mark above the stave used in hymnals (at least) to indicate "repeat the preceding line of words here" - for an example of what I mean, see the ...
mcv21's user avatar
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3 answers

NullVoice is affecting the orientation of ties and slurs in LilyPond

Adding a NullVoice to a staff with two other voices affects the orientation of ties and slurs. Consider the following three Examples and their output: \version "2.22.2" << \new ...
iTeaMaster's user avatar
4 votes
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Lilypond: Set key change signature before D.C. or D.S., and different key in next line

Imagine you have a piece consisting of 3 parts, say A, B, C, and they appear in order A B A C. You want to typeset this in the following form with Da Capo and a Coda, and a line break after the "...
Michael Fütterer's user avatar
1 vote
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Correct Connected (Across Staves) Arpeggio Collission

In context, the collision looks like this: Here's a minimum example that appears to reproduce the problem: \version "2.22.1" rh=\relative c'' {\key des \major <g g'>4.( <e e'&...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
8 votes
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How Do I Insert Markup (ritardando) Without a Note

In the solo voice here: a ritardando shows up on beat four of the measure, but there is only a whole note in the measure. If I attach the ^\markup{\italic rit.} to that whole note, the ritardando ...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes
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How to engrave these rest symbols in LilyPond?

The original instrument for the music below is violin, I'm engraving this piece for another instrument using LilyPond v2.20. How can I make the rest symbols that look like the first line below? And, ...
Nicole Naumann's user avatar
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Lilypond: How to write - when the left hand should play more than the number of notes per bar as per the time signature

This is what I am aiming for: How can I tell LilyPond that the c1 in the first three measures is to be played by the thumb of the left hand in parallel with the other three notes also played by the ...
saraf's user avatar
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Instrumental intro on "Piano and melody with lyrics" score in LilyPond

I am creating a LilyPond piano/vocal score starting with the Template A.3.2 Piano and melody with lyrics. In my piece, there will be several bars of instrumental introduction before the vocal line ...
Theodore's user avatar
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Lilypond: Putting left hand notes on treble clef - one more question

Similar to my earlier question - How to put Left hand notes on the treble clef But this still has me stumped - This is what I am trying to achieve: This is what I am getting: My right hand is: \...
saraf's user avatar
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11 votes
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Multiple staccato dots on minim with tremolo repeat in Lilypond

I'm writing a piano reduction of Gustav Mahler's 4th Symphony (to help study the score and practice music notation, but mainly just for kicks 'n' grins) using GNU LilyPond. (Yes, I know, I'm totally ...
pr1268's user avatar
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How to put Left hand notes on the treble clef

I want to put a note to be played by the left hand on the treble clef - using LilyPond. How can this be done? What I want to achieve is like this: This is how my code looks right now: Right Hand: \...
saraf's user avatar
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How to represent beams broken with rests in LilyPond

I'm trying to write the following in LilyPond notation: As shown in the circled parts of the image, there are two different ways of representing a beam that spans a sixteenth note – a sixteenth rest –...
saraf's user avatar
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how to disconnect two notes

I’m rewriting a sheet of music where the first two notes are separate, but lilypond connect them. How to disconnect those two 1/8 notes? Thanks. see exemple:
Mahanidhi's user avatar
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Adding special text, signs, symbols, and marks, to LilyPond scores

What is the best way to add special text, signs, symbols, and marks for multi-measure rests, rehearsal marks, segno, and coda symbols, in LilyPond code?
Tommy_tsa's user avatar
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Lilypond error: Loose column does not have right side to attach to

in every song that I compile there is the message: "programming error: " but at the same time Frescobaldi says: "Completed successfully in 1.9" Why that error? Lilypond code below: ...
Mahanidhi's user avatar
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Error and flat notes

Lilypond gives me an error in the second line but I can't find out where it is. Plus in the last line all the F note are flat (ff) but the second F note even if it is written correctely do not show ...
Mahanidhi's user avatar
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two alternatives for one song in a bookpart

I am making a music book where each song is on its own page. The code for each song is: title = ... music = ... \bookpart { \header { title = \title } \score { \music \layout { } } ...
Kjara's user avatar
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Left aligning copyright in Lilypond

Is it possible to left-align the copyright information in Lilypond instead of the default center-alignment?
RWR's user avatar
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Measure alignment in LilyPond

In LilyPond, why is the first (yellow marked) measure not aligned with the other measures? What is the way to fix it?
Tommy_tsa's user avatar
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Sharp and flat errors

Why does an error occur during using sharp or flat? I just added a few more notes with "is" or "es" to my code: \relative { %\key g \minor % \...
Tommy_tsa's user avatar
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Bar lines in lilypond

I want to control on the locations of the bar lines (yellow marked). I want to move them to any other places when ever I would like to do. its seems to me that bar lines pop up automaticaly... For ...
Tommy_tsa's user avatar
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LilyPond - How do I create a ChordName context that can stack or show multiple ChordNames simultaneously?

Suppose I have one melody line that is repeated (e.g., singing multiple verses), but the chords should be different the second and third times through. I want these to be defined in their own ...
Neal's user avatar
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