I'd usually use Flex Time Polyphonic for such purposes but in this case it'll remove all tightness from the audio. But when I use Flex Time Monophonic, it creates a pop at the start of the transient (makes sense because notes are sustained and overlap each other) which is not a deal. I also tried to cut the tracks at the place where there's no signal.
Then I try to move it forward, stretch the regions to fill the void and apply a crossfade. Give the same effect: pop at the start.
So the small piece of part looks like this:
What can I do to keep the tightness of recorded audio, but still fix the timing issues. Re-recording will breed the same results (I mean, spending the whole day for recording 5 seconds perfectly, doing hundreds of takes is just not worth it, right). So, are there any alternate ways to perform this (maybe use an external software, not logic himself)?