I grew up playing classical piano, although it has been a long time since I have seriously played or practiced piano! Recently, I got interested in playing rock/pop keyboard or synthesizer, that sort of thing. Fortunately, I've still got some of the muscle memory from my piano days, but as now I'm into a different style of music (and of playing), are there any recommendations?
For example, are there exercises that could help someone like me hone their keyboard skills? What should I be careful of when trying to learn? etc.
On the more personal side, I'm looking into honing my keyboard skills because I started getting into songwriting and arranging. Particularly, since I'm mostly working with computer music suites, keyboard skills are quite important since the only input device I have is the keyboard; I also want to include keyboard solos. I listen to a lot of progressive rock, etc., type of music, so I think I do have a good grasp of how the keyboard is played in rock-based music.