(Bear with me, I'm not much of an organ expert.)
So, I've always loved hearing organs in chruch, but never was interested in actually learning how to play one. So, I was wondering if there would be anyway to understand which instruments sound closest to the organ diapason sounds. For example, what instruments combined on a keyboard would sound closest to an 8' Open Diapason (except also for every diapason on a standard english organ)? You know, maybe this isn't even possible because these sounds are generally considered unique to the organ itself. And, if I can't do this, than what is your opinion on which keyboard has the best organ sounds? My keyboard has one that I like, except I have to combine it with a higher pitched version of itself. But, it just does not sound the same as an organ diapason (not that I expected it to).
Please excuse me if my question is completely non-sensical. I'm pretty much just a piano guy :). But, Thanks in advance for any advice contributed!
Sincerely, Connor Bosler