First off, I am a novice with piano; played until junior freshman years, then stopped. Now, twenty years later I'm picking it up again.
I have always preferred to play popular or classic music as it was written originally - I believe music is written in a specific key for a reason; it just sounds better (maybe it's just my imagination).
When trying to download sheet music, I often see different versions of the same song in different keys, most often dumbed down; this even on sites where you have to pay 5 dollars and up.
My question is, how do you spot the original? I usually just look for the most complicated piece I can find (especially on the the treble clef side it seems to be easier to spot). Most often it also seems to be the pieces in the B key (or anything with more than 3-sharp based keys) that get dumbed down. Is this pretty much how you spot them?