Well, I've been playing the violin for more than six years and, of course, I enjoy it immensely. I fancy myself rather good at it, but today I had the idea to record myself playing. I'm super glad I did, because it revealed a lot of problems that I could work on in the particular piece, but it did shake me a little because I noticed problems with my technique that I didn't know I had!
Specifically with bowing. I feel like I tend to be a little aggressive with my playing. I really(!) love the music I play, so I sway around a little and really feel the bow. But I'm starting to wonder if maybe that's working against me. When I hear myself play on a recording, the thing that jumps out at me at first is that my bowing sounds very harsh. Jerky, irritating, and amateurish. This is something I never would have noticed if I hadn't started recording myself, so it's probably a blessing in disguise!
(Of course, there was the ever present problem of accidental string-crosses, but that's something I'm already aware of and working on.)
The jerky bowing concerns me more, because it really effects the tone and overall feel of the piece whereas accidental string crosses or the occasional scratch can be dismissed as one-time occurrences that will decrease with practice. I feel like if I just "practice" to "get rid of" the jerky bowing, I won't actually be making any progress since I don't know what to change. I'd basically be practicing the wrong way to do it.
On a different note, I strongly suggest recording yourself, because it sure reveals stuff that you otherwise wouldn't notice! Thank you for your valuable time, opinions and experience.