I recently got a JCM800 2203x amplifier and the thing is killer. I'm one of the lucky people who has a practice space where they can crank it to 10 and hear that beautiful power tube distortion!
The strange thing, however, is that it seems to sound smoother and more full when I stand off to the side instead of directly in front of the amp. Literally the tone is perfect standing off to the side, but when standing directly in front of it, it sounds more harsh and slightly less pleasant.
Has anyone else experienced this with their amps? I don't believe that the amp has anything wrong with it because it sounds phenomenal from all angles, but I was just wondering if I was the only one experiencing this kind of thing and if there was any reason behind it.
Also I don't think this has anything to do with how much the human ear can process at loud volumes because when the volumes are this high I am always wearing earplugs regardless of where I stand, so I am never hearing more than my ears can really handle. (I have tried taking the earplugs out for a few seconds though and it still seems to sound better off to the side even without earplugs.)