I am in an Entrepreneurship class at the University of Calgary, and as a project, we are to come up with an idea to solve a problem.
The problem I came up with relates to acoustic guitarists trying to practice for long hours, but they do not want to disturb others around them (e.g., family members, roommates, etc.). My solution to this problem is a device that clips onto the guitar with a piece of fine cloth to overlap the strings, which would turn down the volume/bass of the acoustic guitar.
After doing some research, I saw that there is a product out there for this, which is called the Music Bar (see here:
). While this product is essentially what my idea was, my product would have the additional feature of volume control (i.e., you can adjust the pressure of the music bar with a knob, allowing you to turn the volume of the acoustic guitar up or down).Do you guys think this would be a valuable product for an acoustic guitarist?
Are there any other problems/frustrations you think guitarists face?
Thank you so much for your time, feedback, and kindness. Kelsey Nealon