I'm trying to decide whether it's a good idea to learn playing the guitar while I am also learning the ukulele.
I've been playing ukulele since about six months and I'm making really good progress. On the one hand, I'd like to add a guitar to the mix because it simply sounds in a way the ukulele can't and also it's a longtime dream of mine. On the other hand, at least in the beginning, the guitar is considered quite a bit harder than the ukulele and might keep me from becoming more proficient in playing the latter.
My main reason for the guitar would be the steel-strings, as I just love the sound of it, especially for strumming chords along to singing. I would then use the guitar mostly for this, and the uke for fingerpicking and more instrumental versions of songs, where I find this instrument to particularly excel.
Do you have any experience on this topic, any pro's and con's you would like to throw in? Maybe you have yourself attempted to learn both instruments, or maybe you've had reasons to rather go for a second ukulele (or guitar) instead of adding a somewhat different instrument. I'm really looking forward to your answers. Thank your very much for your time!
P.S. Going for a 2nd ukulele would actually be my alternative choice. However, this would be merely in order to have one with a low G string as well. Which at least some say is mandatory anyways if you wanna be all serious about the instrument (with Jake being the prominent exception).