Related : Is it bad for a piano player to work out?
Context :
The SE question linked above actually reminded me of a story about a guitar teacher that used to rock climb regularly but quit as he felt his climbing activity hindered his guitar play.
As an occasional climber and a guitar player, I wondered about this story for quite a time. The answers in the question above claimed that working out should not be a problem for piano playing. But what about rock climbing ? Climbing definitely put some hard pressure to your fingers, and anyone who had ever rock climbed know that you feel that a numbness lingers in the fingers quite some time after climbing (several hours usually).
Question :
Does rock climbing hinder, in the long-term, your finger dexterity, hence your instrument play ? If yes, how, and how much ?
Details :
I'm more interested in the lingering effects from climbing exposure on the fingers (or arms), not so much about the injury risk from fall/mishap (of course if you crush your fingers on a rock it will seriously hinder your play). Though they're not totally out of the question either.
For the instrument, I obviously think about the guitar, although I guess this question could be extended to any instrument that requires some finger dexterity, like the piano.
EDIT : this is what I mean when I write 'climbing' :