I was wondering what everyone's opinion was onI'm trying to establish which interval wasis more dissonant, the tritone or the minor 2nd. Both are obviously very dissonant intervals.
Math seems to prove that a minor 2nd should sound more consonant due to the ratio of 16:15 vs. the tritone ratio of 45:32.
If definingBut when we define consonance as the"the time 2 sine waves take to both resolve at 0 during the same timetime", then the minor 2nd is more consonant due to its earlier "resolution" compared to the tritone.
Here is is a m2 and tt played in equal temperament as sine waves. Please compare both intervals to decide which one you feel is more dissonant.
Would love to hear from everyone!Based on the above do you think that this definition of consonance makes sense and that the minor 2nd is actually more dissonant than the tritone?