Below is some counterpoint I wrote for a small fugue exposition...
...I have a concern with the cross relationship of F♯
and F♮
at the first beat of measure 3.
I looked about in Bach for a similar example and found this...
...where something similar happens with D♯
and D♮
in m.3.
The sinfonia is in E
minor but the scale tones and harmony are the same as what I tried. The tone changes from a raised leading tone in the initial key to the minor mediant of the key of the minor dominant. Harmonically, it's a very quick change from Em:V
to Bm:i
. In both the raised minor ^7
and ^6
are used in a descending line. The only thing I can see that is different is mine is a cross voice relationship.
Does anyone see a problem with my counterpoint? Am I making an inappropriate comparison to the Bach example?