I am in the course of simulating a Telecaster guitar with supercollider, i.e. electronically. I started with the low E-String and results were satisfactory. Then I tried the high e-String and had nothing but trouble.
When I compare the synthesized high-e with a sampled high-e I noticed a number of differences:
The sampled string sounds like there is a light chorus effect applied. I had noticed this while live playing and it only happens when you use both pickups (the sample was taken with both pickups) and only on the higher strings. Adding a chorus is one of the easiest things to do, but in order to make it realistic, I would need to understand the physics behind it.
I suspect that there are waves travelling up and down the string which reach the two pickups with a small delay, but for a chorus effect I would need a detune, which would not happen with a simple delay.
- The sampled string sounds a lot brighter and exhibits the typical single-coil "twang" while the synthesized string sounds more like a nylon string. No matter how much EQ I applied, I didn't succeed in getting the twang into the synthesized sound. I could make it ultra-bright and it just sounded shitty and artificial.
So can anybody explain
- the cause of the chorus effect?
- why and how a steel string sounds different than a nylon string.
- the characteristics of the single-coil twang