Here's a small library I wrote to write scales for my students that does somewhat what you are asking.
\version "2.18.2"
Before: scaleNotes is an AssociationList mapping all integers from 0 to n
(where n is a natural number) to legal note names
Value: A function usable in lilypond code that takes two numbers and maps
the range between them according to the scaleNotes mapping. Also
takes a third number which defines the length value of the note.
#(define (numsToNotes scaleNotes step)
(parser location start end dur)
(number? number? number?)
(get-scale start end scaleNotes dur step))
#(define (get-note x scale)
(cdr (assoc (modulo x (length scale)) scale))
#(define (get-scale start end scale dur step)
(foldr string-append
(cons (string-append (get-note start scale)
(number->string dur))
(map (lambda (x) (string-append " " (get-note x scale)))
(range ((if (< start end) + -) start step) end step)))
%{ Standard utility functions %}
#(define (foldr func li)
(define (h x li)
(if (null? li)
(h (func x (car li)) (cdr li))))
(h (func (car li) (car (cdr li))) (cdr (cdr li))))
#(define (range x y st)
(define (h li x st cmp)
(if (cmp x y)
(h (cons x li) (+ x st) st cmp)))
(reverse (h '() x (if (< x y) (abs st) (* -1 (abs st))) (if (< x y) > <))))
To use it to write the sequence you're asking for
#(define Chr-sharp-notes
'((0 . "c")
(1 . "cis")
(2 . "d")
(3 . "dis")
(4 . "e")
(5 . "f")
(6 . "fis")
(7 . "g")
(8 . "gis")
(9 . "a")
(10 . "ais")
(11 . "b")))
#(define Chr-flat-notes
'((0 . "c")
(1 . "des")
(2 . "d")
(3 . "es")
(4 . "e")
(5 . "f")
(6 . "ges")
(7 . "g")
(8 . "as")
(9 . "a")
(10 . "bes")
(11 . "b")))
flatChromatic = #(numsToNotes Chr-flat-notes 2)
sharpChromatic = #(numsToNotes Chr-sharp-notes 1)
\relative c' {
\sharpChromatic #9 #19 #4
\flatChromatic #17 #9 #4
Just copy-paste the codeblocks to the same file and compile it to see the notes.
This is less usable than what you asked for and what you're asking for is actually a quite nice idea for a library so hopefully I'll find time to improve this.