The story goes like this:
3-4 years ago I used to practice with the Hanon book. I played the exercises with a fast tempo -- I didn't have good control of my left hand fingers, but I insisted on playing the exercise and continuing them with bad shape and ecole; and then gradually, this ended with my 3rd finger behaving weird:
I can't play with my left hand 3rd finger! I just can't! When I try hard to do it, my second finger first comes down (and so, unintentionally plays the key) then, probably with the help of this finger, my 3rd finger comes down.
Seems like it's paralysed. It's been years, and I don't know what to do; I have talked with several teachers but they also didn't have a clue.
Can you help me? Maybe you've heard something similar, or can suggest an exercise that might help?