Today, I was cleaning my room, and I put a phone powerbank on a bed. I wanted to put guitar close to it, but when I stood near the bed, I blacked out (for a few secs) and accidentally dropped my guitar onto this powerbank. It fell on the sharp edge and left this dent on the back side of the body. How bad is this dent and how is it fixable (well, at least so it won’t noticeable right off the bat). I left photos below.
Update: My phone camera sucks and it can't make good macro (gets very blurry when getting close to the object).
Describing this dent will sound like this:
It looks like a half of a circle (I'm bad at English maths, so I'll refer to the top enclosing line as circle diameter, and to the half itself as arc), where the circle diameter (the straight line) is on the same level as other parts with varnish, so you can say, that the top border is on the baseline. The arc (starting from the contour) is pressed inside by less than 2 millimeters. So the circle diameter is now overlaying the continuation of arc which stretches inside (below it) by 1 mm (or so). Varnish is still in place – no cracks.