This answer...


...caught my attention, because while I know about partimenti and solfeggi, I hadn't heard of involature.

I looked for some at IMSLP, but found nothing search on the word involature.

Is there another name for this kind of music?

2 Answers 2


I suspect this is just a typo for "intavolatura."

The Italian verb intavolare means to begin or commence. Musical intavolature were either "preludes" in the sense of the first piece in a collection, or sometimes "music tutors" - e.g. this on IMSLP for lute (warning, not much use except to show the title page, unless you can read Italian and lute tablature!)

For example a YouTube video claiming to be a performance of an "Involatura per organo e cimbalo" by Zipoli was titled "Intavolatura" in the published first edition. See Page 18 of the PDF (page number 6 of the edition) at https://imslp.org/wiki/Sonate_d%27Intavolatura_per_Organo_e_Cimbalo%2C_Op.1_(Zipoli%2C_Domenico) and the performance at

  • Perfect, thank you! It looks like there are many items at IMSLP too. Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 19:25
  • It seems 'intavolatura' is another name for 'figuration prelude' Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 20:00

I found a different definition of intavolatura. Meaning scoring. In Elizabethan times, of the arrangement of madrigals for keyboard performance - the choral originals being in parts, not in score. Sort of related to partimenti?

Can't find anything relating to 'involature'.

  • Where did you find that? Actually, keyboard arrangements of madrigals is something I want. I wish there were the madrigal equivalent of Bach's 371 Harmonized Chorales for keyboard. Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 20:02
  • I see that meaning now in Google results. Maybe I can trace that to some madrigal arrangments. According to Richard's answer which I linked intavolatura are connected to partimenti and solfeggi, but just becoming aware of intavolatura. Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 20:10

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