Like the question title says, I can get the open strings in tune perfectly, but EVERY fretted note is sharp. I have tried lowering the action, that didn't make any difference. I tried moving the saddles back, that didn't make any difference. I tried adjusting the truss rod, that didn't make any difference. i tried seeing if I was pressing too hard, but no matter how hard or softly I press it is still the same amount of sharp. I made sure I am not bending the notes as I press them either. So now I am at a loss to do. Any suggestions? I do not have enough money to take it into a professional to have it set up, so please do not suggest that. Thanks for your time. :)
Edit after comments:
I measured and it's 12 inches from the nut to the 12th fret but its 12.5 from the saddle to the 12th fret.