I want to color all the stanza numbers of many hymns with red. I would like to keep the color definition in a stylesheet and only pass "the number and dot" of the stanza as a parameter.
I was not able to make it work with \newcommand\mystanza[1]{}
. The stylesheet from the user manual is confusing.
verseOne = \lyricmode {
%... n1-> n20 -> number of stanzas. I want to avoid defining the color 20 times
\set stanza = \markup { \with-color #red 6.} %<-- I want this in a stylesheet passing the number as parameter
%\myestanza{6.} %does not work if defined as \newcommand\myestanza[1]{...}
Et ju -- be me ve -- ni -- re ad te:
Ut cum Sanc -- tis tu -- is lau -- dem te
in sae -- cu -- la
sae -- cu -- lo -- rum.
A _ _ _ men
\new Voice = "one" {
\musicOne %defined elsewhere
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" {