On version 2.24.1, I'm trying to apply direction to my tuplets with \tupletUp and/or \tupletDown but it doesn't work. \tuplet 3/2 {...} is working fine but when I change it got this message:

error: syntax error, unexpected FRACTION
            3/2 {...}

Yes, I can use \override as shown here but that's not my point


This is what I'm trying to achieve. Writing this I've found that \arpeggio works but \arpeggioUp doesn't. Related?)

Example 1

Example Code:

\version "2.24.1"
\language "espanol"

\relative sol' {
  \key do \minor
  \time 5/4
  <fa' re'>2.  \tuplet 3/1 { re'4 mib8 re do re }


Example 1 output

Using \tupletUp (as @jeanas suggests)

<fa' re'>2.  \tupletUp { re'4 mib8 re do re }


Example 2 output

  • 4
    Are you still including \tuplet in the code, like \tupletUp \tuplet 3/2 { c''8 d e }?
    – Richard
    Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 0:39

1 Answer 1


As explained in a comment, \tupletUp and \tupletDown should be added but not replace \tuplet. The error message you get happens because \tupletUp stands on its own, and the next thing in your file is 3/2, which LilyPond doesn’t know how to interpret.

Note that \tupletUp will set the direction for all subsequent tuplets, but you can use \once \tupletUp to restrict it to one tuplet only.

  • Yes, now I see what you meant <fa' re'>2. \tupletUp \tuplet 3/1 { re'4 mib8 re do re } Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 12:58

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