This will be pretty well dependant on which scale you're having trouble with. We need to know that info.
With the pentatonics, I really can't see a problem: it's as if the guitar is an instrument made for the ease of playing them.
With a full two octave major scale, starting on fret x on the bottom (fat) string, and going to same fret x on the top (thin) string, you just have to get used to the fact that there is a pattern - but it's one which incorporates all the notes!
There is, however, a three-notes-per-string pattern, which translates to, as it says, 3 notes on each string, with the same pattern on strings 6 and 5, another pattern on 4 and 3, and another on 2 and 1. Which makes remembering the patterns a tad easier.
But - your problem may not be the patterns as much as the fingering, or positioning of hand/wrist/arm. For that, you've not given any clues..!