as a singer, i have been struggling with a problem for almost a year now. The sound of my voice has changed. Quite suddenly, after a laryngitis in Feb 2016. It used to be a warm, slightly breathy sound that i liked. Now it takes a lot of effort to get the same sound, especially when singing more powerfully and in a higher pitch. Additionally i suffer from severe vocal fatigue (burning pain around the larynx after only a couple minutes of talking or even singing a line or two). It feels as if there is less space in the larynx area. I always had to force my muscles there a bit to get rid of a mildly twangy sound, but now the twangy sound is much worse. I have to force my muscles in a certain way to create more space and find the old sound of my voice. This is very fatiguing. I have a lump in my throat sensation, too.
ENT saw nothing wrong with my voice or throat after the laryngitis had healed but the symtoms stayed.
Vocal therapist gave up when i told her even the lax/vox exercise caused pain and fatigue.
Manual / crafta therapist noticed a lot of tension in my neck / throat / upper back but after a couple sessions loosening this up, the vocal fatigue or the changed sound are still there.
Anyone any thoughts on this?
I am heartbroken over this. I have not been able to sing almost a year (and i am a singer songwriter) and still have not found out what causes this or how to tackle this problem that has been affecting every area of my life.
I am a 32 y/o woman. Could it just be my voice getting older / changing sound and do i have to live with it? Could it be caused by a mourning process i am going through at the moment?