The following code causes an overflow, where the music goes off the side of the page:
It seems that lilypond decides where the line breaks go before considering how lyrics will change spacing. How do I get sensible spacing?
\version "2.19.82"
\header {
title = "Israel in Egypt"
subtitle = "8. Chorus - He sent a thick darkness over the land"
composer = "Handel"
upperPiano = \relative c' {
\tempo "Largo"
\accidentalStyle modern-cautionary
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\time 4/4
r4 c c c |
{ c1~ | c~ | c4 bes bes bes~ | bes } \\
{ r4 aes aes aes | aes1~ | aes2 aes~ | aes4 }
<g ees'> <g ees'> <g ees'> | <g ees'>1~ | <g ees'>4 <g e'> <g e'> <g e'> | <aes d f>1~ |
<aes c f>4~ <g c e> <g c e>2~ | <g c e>1 | <aes c f> |
<a c ges'> | <bes des f> | <aes b d f> | <g c e> | <aes c ees> |
{ bes' | aes } \\
{ <d, f>2 <bes ees> | <ees c> <d aes> }
<bes ees g> 1 | <bes ees ges>4 <bes ees ges> <bes ees ges> <bes ees ges> |
<bes ees ges> <bes ees ges> <bes ees ges> <bes ees ges> |
<c ees f> <c ees f> <c ees f> <c ees f> | <f, bes ees> <f bes des> <f bes des> <f bes des> |
<f aes d>1~ | <f aes d> | c' | <g bes e> | <f a d>~ |
<f a d>2 <a d a'> | <b d e>1 | <cis e>~ | <cis e> |
{ b'~ | b~ | b} \\
{ <dis, fis>~ | <dis fis> | <b e> } \\
>> |
<a c e> | r2 <fis b dis> | <gis b e>1 \bar "|."
lowerPiano = \relative c, {
\tempo "Largo"
\accidentalStyle modern-cautionary
\clef bass
\key a \minor
\time 4/4
r1 | r | r4 <des des' f> <des des' f> <des des' f> | <des des' f>2 <d d' f> | <ees ees'> r |
r4 <bes bes'> <bes bes'> <bes bes'> | <bes bes'>1~ | <bes bes'>4 <b b'> <b b'> <b b'> | <c c'>1~ |
<c c'> | <f f'> | <ees ees'> | <bes bes' f'> | <b b'> | <c c'> | <aes aes'>~ | <aes aes'>2 <g g'> |
<f' f'>1 | <ees ees'> |
{ ees'4 ees ees ees | ees ees ees ees | a,4 a a a | bes bes bes bes } \\
{ ees,1 | ees | a, | bes }
<b b'>1~ | <b b'> | < c c' e g> | < cis cis' > | <d d'>2 <f, f'>~ | <f f'> <fis fis'> |
<gis gis'>1 | <ais ais' fis'>~ | <ais ais' fis'> | <a a'>~ | <a a'> | <g g'> | <a a'> |
r2 <b b'> | <e, e'>1 \bar "|."
sopranoMusic = \relative c' {
\accidentalStyle modern-cautionary
\clef treble
r1*8 | r2 r4 e | e2 e4 e | f2 f | r4 ges8. ges16 ges4 ges | f2 r4 f8. f16 | f2. f4 |
e2 r | r ees4. ees8 | f2 g4 r | r aes f4. f8 | bes2 bes4 bes | bes1~ | bes2 ges4 ges |
f1 | r | r4 f8. f16 aes4 f | d2 r | r1*5 | r2 cis'4 ais | fis fis r2 | r1*6
sopranoWords = \lyricmode {
He sent a thick dark -- ness o -- ver all the land. o -- ver all the land. e -- ven dark -- ness
which might be felt. a thick dark -- ness. He sent o -- ver all the land. a thick dark -- ness
altoMusic = \relative c' {
\accidentalStyle modern-cautionary
\clef treble
r1*8 | r2 r4 c | c2 c4 c | c2 c | r4 c8. c16 c4 c | des2 r4 f8. f16 | d2. d4 | c2 r |
r ees4. ees8 | d2 ees4 r | r ees d4. d8 | ees2 r | r ges4 ges | ges2 ees4 ees |
ees2 ees4 ees | ees8( des) des4 r2 | r1*5 | r8 f g a d,4 r | r1*3 | r2 r8 fis dis fis |
b,4 r r2 | r1*4
altoWords = \lyricmode {
He sent a thick dark -- ness o -- ver all the land. o -- ver all the land. e -- ven dark -- ness
which might be felt. a thick dark -- ness. He sent a thick dark -- ness. o -- ver the land
o'er all the land
tenorMusic = \relative c' {
\accidentalStyle modern-cautionary
\clef "treble_8"
r1*8 | r2 r4 g | g2 g4 g | aes2 aes | r4 a8. a16 a4 a | bes2 r4 bes8. bes16 | aes2. aes4 |
g2 r | r c4. c8 | bes2 bes4 r | r c aes4. aes8 | g2 r | r1 | r2 r4 bes | c2 c4 c |
c8( bes) bes4 r2 | r1*2 | r2 r4 e | g bes, r8 bes bes a | f4 r r2 | r2 r4 r8 a16 a |
d4 d r8 d e b | cis4 r r2 | r r4 cis | dis dis r2 | r4 r8 dis dis4. e8 | b4 r r2 | r1*3
tenorWords = \lyricmode {
He sent a thick dark -- ness o -- ver all the land. o -- ver all the land. e -- ven dark -- ness
which might be felt. He sent a thick dark -- ness. e'en dark -- ness, which might be felt. ev -- en
dark -- ness, which might be felt. a dark -- ness. which might be felt.
\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff = "sopranos" \with { midiInstrument = #"clarinet" instrumentName = #"Soprano "} <<
\new Voice = "sopranos" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" {
\new Staff = "altos" \with { midiInstrument = #"clarinet" instrumentName = #"Alto" } <<
\new Voice = "altos" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" {
\new Staff = "tenors" \with { midiInstrument = #"clarinet" instrumentName = #"Tenor " } <<
\new Voice = "tenors" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenors" {
\new Staff = "basses" \with { midiInstrument = #"clarinet" instrumentName = #"Bass " } <<
\new Voice = "basses" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "basses" {
\new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano "
\new Staff = "upperPiano" \upperPiano
\new Staff = "lowerPiano" \lowerPiano
\layout {
\context {