I need a mixing tip: when I try to mix distorted guitars (dual guitars, but in fact, I just recorded once, created 2 tracks, copypasted onto them and hard panned them), I want to have a sound of attack (you might not get it, but I mean, like the initial attack of an unprocessed track comes out from the center and I want that attack to come out of both left and right ears) in both ears. The problem is: when I enable only hard panned left (or right) channel, I hear that attack in the right or left channel, as follows. But when I enable them both, attack again comes out from the center as if I did not pan them at all (sounds like 1 center track with slightly boosted volume).
So, to say easily: I want those tracks to sound only in ears, while having center free for other instruments (like kick and bass). Would appreciate any suggestions. I use Waves plugins, so if you know how to achieve that and you use Waves too, you could write a more precise suggestion – would be greatly appreciated!