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2 votes
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Notation for cymbal choke and cymbal stop?

First, what's the difference between a cymbal choke and a cymbal stop? Is it that a choke is immediate (as soon as possible) and a stop is after the predetermined length of the note (i.e., eighth note,...
canary_in_the_data_mine's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Recording technique: not letting the crash cymbals ring out

I listened to the following song this morning on the way into work. I heard something I hadn't heard before. Each of the crash cymbals were very minimal, almost gated, or maybe miked from a distance. ...
Jason P Sallinger's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How effective is a "glancing blow" technique at preserving crash cymbals?

I've heard it said hundreds of times that hitting a crash cymbal with a "glancing blow", rather than straight on, will extend its life and help prevent it from cracking. ...
Edward's user avatar
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3 votes
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What makes a cymbal "dry" or "wet"?

"Dry" seems like an odd term to use for a plate of hammered bronze. What makes a cymbal dry? If it's not dry, does that mean it is wet?
Dan Gayle's user avatar
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7 votes
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Crash cymbal turned green

What makes it green? Any way to clean this? It looks so much like old Chinese pottery.
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15 votes
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Difference between a ride and a crash/ride cymbal

What are the main differences between a crash, ride and a crash/ride? I ordered a 22" ride, but the retailer accidentally ordered a 22" crash/ride. I want a bright jazzy tap, and don't plan to ever ...
Frantumn's user avatar
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Cleaning Up Zildjian Cymbal Stains

I brought brand new Zildjian A Custom cymbal set including a 14" hihats, 16 and 18" crash cymbals, and a 20" ride. I like the sound. However the cymbals shipped with these odd stains on them. I ...
ido's user avatar
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15 votes
10 answers

How do i differentiate a crash cymbal from a ride cymbal which looks so similar

Today I was practicing for a drum performance in school and I didn't know the positions of the crash cymbal and ride cymbal were different from the usual drum set up. I only realised the mistake ...
Computernerd's user avatar
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