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Malmart handchimes

Am new to handchimes and I seem to have two chimes that seem to stick at times How or what do I need to do to adjust them so they play without sticking?
brenda hewlett's user avatar
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Kick drum not working in electronic drum kit

I have set up my Yamaha dtx 502 kit after long term storage and can't get the kick drum to work. I've tried its cable in other drums and other drums cables in the kick drum but only get silence (when ...
Rob Tristram's user avatar
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Will tuning old Bongos break the drum heads?

I have a set of old LP Aspire Bongos that I got from my father. They are probably 15 years old or so, and it's unlikely that they have ever been tuned, definitely not for last 12 years. I'd like to ...
amflare's user avatar
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Leaky brand new Hohner Blues Harp?

I started playing harmonica about 6 months ago, on a Hohner Marine Band. I quickly learned to play clean, single notes, and draw bends have become second nature (I'm starting to integrate blow bends, ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
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How can I prevent filters from falling from my earplugs when I remove them?

I have a few pairs of flat-response attenuators (a.k.a. musicians earplugs). On one of them, the filters tend to fall when I remove the earplugs from my ear. How can I prevent that? Demonstration:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Banjo maintenance

I have a 17 inch 4 string tenor banjo. It is about a 80 year old Beacon (28058 model). It has an animal skin membrane. How do I know how tight the membrane should be?
Ernie Marotta's user avatar
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Replacement screw for Yamaha CP300 stage piano

One of the screws that holds the top plastic case of our school's Yamaha CP300 stage piano was lost. It's an M5 threaded machine screw with a Phillips pan head that's approximately 25mm long and a ...
jcollie's user avatar
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