About 8 years ago, I started learning violin with a tutor for about 5 months but I left it abruptly because of academics. Now, three months ago, I decided to get back to it since I have more free time because of lockdown. Unfortunately I can't get a violin tutor right now both because of the lockdown and also because of financial issues. However, I do remember the little teachings that my tutor gave me and also with the help of YouTube, I am trying to still relearn violin. I know the importance of proper bowing even before I started relearning my violin. But because of lack of a tutor who can correct me on my mistakes which I don't know I'm making, I'm trying to put a small clip of me playing so I can get tips and corrections to my bowing. Also, I know I am way out of tune while playing some of the notes, mostly because I'm still a beginner and partly because I was a bit nervous to play in front of the camera.
Please tell me any improvements that can be done. (Sorry if this question seems personal)