I am a beginner player of piano and can usually get answers as the questions arise however, this one stumps me and discussions don;t seem to address this situation. There is only one piano and no vocals for this.
I can follow measures 1 - 7 but at the end of 7 and for 8 - 12 there are two treble clefs and eventually the piece restores the bass clef.
I have added the note letters of the keys and the flatted noted are in lower case. I see that I made one or two errors but that is not the question.
When I reach the double treble clef (measures 8-12), what notes is the left hand playing? Are they one octave below there the right hand is playing? upper
If I am correct, then why do I see discussion that they "are exactly the same"? This suggests to me that both hands are playing in the same territory on the piano and it makes no sense. It is just too crowded. On the other hand, I see nothing that says that they are in separate locations on the keyboard.