It's not uncommon to find piano music where the left hand plays primarily in octave 1, or the right hand in octave 6 (i.e. below the staff of a bass clef or above the staff of a treble clef). This can be notated with ledger lines or with ottava brackets, and there are several questions on this site about when to prefer one or the other (e.g. here, here, and here).
However, there's a third option that I've almost never seen used—octave clefs. To me, that easily seems like the best choice: it's easy to read and doesn't have any extra visual clutter. Is there something I'm missing? Why aren't octave clefs more common?
To be clear, I understand why this isn't done for other instruments and/or shorter passages. I'm asking specifically about the piano, when the entire piece (or at least a large portion of it) would be off the staff.