I am struggling with the concept of Rhythm or Laya in Bansuri
Right now, understand that Laya is the speed at which notes are played one after another.
But how do I read Bansuri notes such that I understand the Laya. There are many resources on Google that discuss Laya, but I just cannot seem to comprehend it.
And one Bansuri video tutorial (at end of this post) shows the instructor playing 4-4 Tabla app in background, but I am unsure of how that helps with Laya.
Why does he need 4-4 Tabla?
So far, I am reading Bansuri notes for tunes I am very familiar with.
For instance, Om Jai Jagdish Hare first line is
Om Jai Jagdish Hare
I instinctively play it as
Any advice for this newcomer?