Using modern gregorian notation, I remove the bar engraver, but that causes that the space between Lyrics and next Stave shrinks. I want to increase the space between the Lyrics and next stave but the paper settings as suggested in other discussion has no effect system-system-spacing basic-distance and score-system-spacing I tried also verticalaxisgroup in layout, with no luck. Any workaround?
\include ""
musicOne = \relative {
g'8 \ictus g8 g8 \ictus g8 g4 e8 f8 \ictus g8 e8 d4 \divisioMaior
g8 g8 \ictus g8 e8 \ictus f8 g8 [f8 e8 \ictus f8] g4 \finalis
g8 g8 \ictus g8 g4 e8 f8\ictus g8 e8 d4 \divisioMaior
g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 \ictus g8 e8 \ictus f8 g8 [f8 e8 \ictus f8] g4 \finalis \break
g8 \ictus g8 g8 \ictus g4 e8 \ictus f8 g8 \ictus e8 d4 \divisioMaior
g8 \ictus g8 g8 \ictus g8 g8 e8 \ictus f8 g8 [f8 e8 \ictus f8] g4 \finalis \break
g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 e8 \ictus f8 g8 \ictus e8 d4 \divisioMaior
g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 e8 \ictus g8 g8 [f8 e8 \ictus f8] g4 \finalis \break
g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 e8 \ictus f8 g8 \ictus e8 d4 \divisioMaior
g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 e8\ictus f8 g8 [f8 e8 \ictus f8] g4 \finalis \break
g8 g8 \ictus g8 g4 e8 \ictus f8 g8\ictus e8 d4 \divisioMaior
g8 g8 g8 g8 e8 \ictus f8 g8 \ictus e8 d4 \divisioMaior \break
g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 g8 e8 \ictus f8 g8 [f8 e8 \ictus f8] g4 \finalis
verseOne = \lyricmode {
A -- NI -- MA Chri -- sti, sanc -- tí -- fi -- ca me:
Cór -- pus Chrí -- sti, sal -- va __ me.
Sán -- guis Chrí -- sti, in -- é -- bri -- a me:
A -- qua lá -- te -- ris Chrí -- sti, lá -- va __ me.
Pá -- ssi -- o Chrí -- sti, con -- fór -- ta me:
O bó -- ne Jé -- su, e -- xáu -- di __ me.
In -- tra tú -- a vúl -- ne -- ra abs -- cón -- de me:
Ne per -- mít -- tas me se -- pa -- rá -- ri a __ te.
Ab hos -- te ma -- líg -- no de -- fén -- de me:
In hó -- ra mor -- tis me -- ae vó -- ca __ me.
Et iú -- be me ve -- ní -- re ad te:
ut cum Sán -- ctis tú -- is láu -- dem te
in saé -- cu -- la sæ -- cu -- ló -- rum.
A __ men
\score {
\new Voice = "one" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" {
\paper {
system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20
score-system-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 20)
(minimum-distance . 6)
(padding . 1)
(stretchability . 12))
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Bar_engraver" % <<--- Problem with this
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
% End of document.