So, C Aeolian and A# Mixolydian have the same notes right? That means that the difference is just which notes I emphasize, correct? Like, focusing on A# notes instead of C just makes the sound more ‘Mixolydian’ but still correct in C, right?
So my question is: let’s say I’m soloing over C Ionian. The chord progression is I-V-vi-IV (C-G-Am-F). Does it make sense to play over the chords like this:
- C: C Ionian
- G: G Mixolydian
- Am: A Aeolian
- F: F Lydian
Like, I could just play C Ionian over the entire chord progression, but it would probably sound better to emphasize the chords being played by switching modes and emphasizing the current chord being played by targeting that new root note.
Now, if the above is true, then I’m also trying to understand if it makes sense to play G Ionian (over the G chord) and F Ionian (over the F chord). If so, why would I do this? When is this used?
Does this make sense? Am I missing something?
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