I've recently started recording some classical guitar pieces using a focusrite scarlett 2i2 and a pair of Rode M5 mics. The recordings end up being excessively bright unless there's a lot of EQ. This takes time and it's a shame to have to manufacture a sound rather than capture what the instrument is actually producing.
I've heard a number of really great and natural-sounding classical guitar recordings made using ribbon mics recently and wondered about getting something similar myself. Specifically, I'm looking at the sE Voodoo vr1 or vr2.
Does anybody have experience with these mics for any acoustic recordings and can provide some advice? Any suggestions for alternatives are also very welcome. How is the focusrite scarlett with ribbons? Is an active ribbon a must-have here or can I get away with the passive? Phantom power is available, but looking for any other reasons why I might choose one over the other.
edit: As per the rules I'm not looking for gear recommendations, just advice.