I made a frightening discovery -- No mater what inversion diminished seventh chords are in, all of the notes are the same interval apart! A minor 3rd. How then is someone to identify what name the chord has? Here is an example from Jesus Paid it All, a song I'm trying to transpose to F.
The chord in question falls on the 3rd beat in the first measure of the 3/4 section -- over "He". The song, and you can't see this in the image, is in Db major.
So Diminished 7 chord here, with the notes listed top to bottom as displayed here, goes
If I were to rearrange these into a more directly transferrable to the keyboard way,
But I can also rearrange the notes like this:
Or however you please...
So heres the question: How do I name this chord? Using Roman Numeral notation, how would I write it for transposition?