What does a capital letter mean in tablature?

I see small q for quarter note. What does capital Q mean?

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1 Answer 1


It seems to be a dotted quarter note (length of 3 eighth notes). On the last bar, The bar length changes to 4/4. So, the that bar's note lengths would be quarter, quarter, dotted quarter, and eighth.

Capitalized seems to mean dotted. Am I right to think that the time signature to start was 12/8 or so something like that (6 beats per bar)?

  • 1
    Ok, thank you. The only examples I've otherwise seen of a dotted quarter were "q." . Example above is from Rush - Limelight. Found someone who listed all the time changes. Intro: 6 measures 4/4 4 measures 4+3/4 (this really means 7/4) Verse: 2 measures 3/4 2 measures 4+2/4 2 measures 3/4 1 measure 4/4 1 measure 4+3/4 Fill 1: 1 measure 4+3/4 Repeat: Verse Chorus: 7 measures 3/4 8 measures 4/4 Fill 2: 3 of 3/4 2 of 4+3/4 Repeat: Verse, Fill 1, Verse, Chorus Fill 3: 2 of 4/4 Bridge: 30 measures 3/4 Repeat: Chorus, Fill 3 Ending: 12 of 4/4 Commented Aug 3, 2019 at 18:47
  • Yea, personally, I've never seen that type of notation before. Also, hot damn that song has a lot of time signature changes lol
    – Phoenix
    Commented Aug 3, 2019 at 19:13

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