I'm refering to Cross Examination Moderato 2001 by Masakazu Sugimori and Minecraft by C418. Let's assume the beat unit is transcribed by a quarter note.
For the first piece, it sounds like eighth notes grouped in 3+3+2, but doubled. That makes a 3+3+3+3+2+2, so the 3s would be dotted quarter notes and the 2s would be regular quarter notes. That makes 8 quarter notes in total.
For the second piece, it sounds like quarter notes grouped in 3+3+2. That's like eighth notes grouped in 3+3+2, but half the pace. That also makes 8 quarter notes in total.
Why I'm confused is, firstly because, I've never seen a sheet music that states a time signature as 8/4. Secondly because, I don't know how long a motif is in these pieces, 1 or 2 measures. Is 8/4 a legit transcription for these pieces? If so, is there other pieces that is in 8/4?