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3 answers

How do I know what notes I'm allowed to play? [duplicate]

I have a rough idea but I'm a beginner and I want to get some pointers. If I play a chord, how do I know what notes I can play on top of them that will sound good. I'm thinking any that is part of the ...
Alvarop's user avatar
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3 answers

Which Pentatonic scale to play over which chord in a major key chord progression?

How do I decide which scale to play on each different chord. For example in a C major key I have I ii iii IV V vi viidim chords. I can play C major pentatonic on I chord but on other chords ii iii IV ...
ANURAG BHASKAR's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What basics should I know to accompany on piano?

I need to accompany on piano for some blues songs. I play a little on piano in childhood and know basic theory. What I need to accompany for this songs: Sweet Home Chicago B.B.King - Everyday I ...
Sonique's user avatar
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5 answers

Struggle improvising guitar with other musicians / band / jam session

I can write decent original guitar / keys melodies in my own time. But when I'm with other musicians I'm lost in a jam session (unrehearsed). I have a handful of times been lucky enough to produce ...
Dave Engineer's user avatar