Seems to me it's a little too late anyway. The bridge lifting should have little to do with swapping round the strings - there's usually around a 10-15% discrepancy between string tensions in a set, way less in a well thought out set, unless the player has unusual preferences, so the difference between top E and bottom E tension-wise ought not stress the guitar - given a standard set of strings. And, of course, the guitar itself may not be that well made, looked after properly, or even kept in proper tune.
Given that it's an acoustic (tagged), the headstock will work either way.
The nut slots will need changing - either remove and turn round, or replace - which means the original comes off anyhow.
Th saddle on the bridge will probably be a compensating one - slanting so the top strings are slightly shorter than the bottom - with a variance for the B string. That'll need changing, and the bridge will too, to accommodate it.
If there's a scratchplate, that will be on the 'wrong' side.
If there are fretmarkers on the edge of the fretboard, they won't be seen - not a big deal.
If there's a cutaway on one shoulder, that will be on the wrong side - but unless you play at the dusty end a lot, that won't be an issue.
The strap button may/not need moving.
Bearing all that in mind, you're on a hiding to nothing - a luthier will charge more than the guitar's worth for most of that - so, bottom line - don't go there!