I'm running into this issue, hopefully user error, with both the stable (2.24.4) and development (2.25.21) branches of LilyPond. In the first measure of music, I need the beam to be subdivided every three 16th notes, but whatever numbers I try, it doesn't work. Here's the most recent thing I tried. What is the correct syntax for the current versions of LilyPond?
\version "2.24.4"
#(set-default-paper-size "legallandscape")
upperOne = \relative c' {
\clef treble
%%%%% Time signature for first measure
\compoundMeter #'((3 8) (3 8) (3 8))
\accidentalStyle forget
ees8.[( fis a~] \tuplet 5/3 { a[ aes8] } a!8.[ c] \bar "!" \break
%%%%% Time signature for second measure
\compoundMeter #'((3 8) (3 8) (3 8) (3 16) (3 8) (3 8))
e,[ g] bes8[ a gis] \tuplet 5/3 { g!8.[ fis8] } e8. \tuplet 5/3 { d[ e8 ] } gis4.~gis16.[ a f8.])
upperTwo = \relative c {
\clef bass
\accidentalStyle forget
%%%%% Attempt to subdivide beams - THIS is what the question is about
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
\set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 3/16)
\set beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1)
\tuplet 5/3 { r16 cis([ d f e }
\tuplet 5/3 { g f g aes bes }
\tuplet 5/3 { b! g c d ees \clef treble }
\tuplet 5/3 { f e! f g8 }
\tuplet 5/3 { a!16 b c d ees }
\tuplet 5/3 { d f e! d cis }
\tuplet 5/3 { c! ees d c b }
\tuplet 5/3 { bes des c bes aes] }
%%%% Change the subdivision - this works correctly
\set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
\tuplet 3/2 { g[ b a } \tuplet 3/2 { f e d } cis8]
\tuplet 5/3 { \clef bass c16[ b bes a g] }
\set subdivideBeams = ##f
f32[ e d c b bes]
\tuplet 5/3 { a16[ f e' g f,] }
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
%%%%% This also results in correct output
\set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 3/16)
\tuplet 4/3 { e[ d c' e }
\tuplet 4/3 { c, aes' c fis,]~ }
\tuplet 4/3 { fis[ c' ees a }
\tuplet 4/3 { g b \clef treble g' b]) }
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with { \omit TimeSignature }
\new Staff = "upper1" \upperOne
\new Staff = "upper2" \upperTwo
For anyone who's curious, this is a bit of Sorabji's First Organ Symphony, the topic of my dissertation. :)
I read the documentation and Urs Liska's article on this topic. However, it's not sticking with me. I think this feature of the software needs to be made way more intuitive, without the user having to know as much about how LilyPond handles time and how to tweak that. Most of the other features of LilyPond don't require this kind of knowledge of how to change those presets.