What's is voice leading and how does it work? I'd really appreciate a thorough answer. What I mean by how it works is how is it achieved and what's the basis of it?
1Check this question and answer out: music.stackexchange.com/questions/7185/… "Most generally, voice-leading is just the way voices move about in a piece. Usually, good voice leading means that each voice feels smooth, atleast somewhat independent, at least somewhat interesting, and supportive of the background harmony and feel of the piece."– Todd WilcoxCommented Feb 24, 2017 at 0:22
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Voice leading is where you write harmony as if you have several instruments, each playing an interesting melody (or at least playing a line that, although it may be boring sometimes, is not UN-melodic, leaping all over the place). The voices, in combination, form chords, but you're not just plonking down one chord after another.