I've got a song that I'm working on which has an Alchemy (Descending Below) synth track. At the end of the song, I do a progressive tempo slowdown, ending at about 5bpm. When the synth track ends, there's this cute little deflating noise as the output dies off--sort of like a baritone sad whistle.
I'd share a sample here, but that's the problem. I can't.
When I actually bounce the song, or save it to the media browser as an AIF, that sound gets cut off. Logic is helpfully removing all the artefacts. But I want this artefact, and don't know how to keep it.
The only solution I can think of is to capture the computer's output using a separate recorder, then topping and tailing the resulting file.
But that seems like overkill. Is there some easier way to record my song with all the artefacts intact?